Linux temps réel embarqué et outils de développements Technique

Section math

acl2 A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp
acl2-books A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp
acl2-books-certs A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp
acl2-books-source A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp
acl2-emacs A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp
acl2-infix A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp
acl2-infix-source A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp
acl2-source A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp
admesh a tool for processing triangulated solid meshes
apcalc Arbitrary precision calculator (original name
apcalc-common Arbitrary precision calculator (common files)
aribas interpreter for arithmetic
autoclass automatic classification or clustering
axiom A general purpose computer algebra system
axiom-databases A general purpose computer algebra system
axiom-doc A general purpose computer algebra system
axiom-graphics A general purpose computer algebra system
axiom-graphics-data A general purpose computer algebra system
axiom-hypertex A general purpose computer algebra system
axiom-hypertex-data A general purpose computer algebra system
axiom-source A general purpose computer algebra system
axiom-test A general purpose computer algebra system
axiom-tex A general purpose computer algebra system
bc The GNU bc arbitrary precision calculator language
calc An advanced calculator and mathematical tool for Emacs.
cimg-dev powerful image processing library
circlepack creation and display of circle packings
coq proof assistant for higher-order logic (toplevel and compiler)
coq-libs proof assistant for higher-order logic (theories)
coq7-libs proof assistant for higher-order logic (Coq 7 theories)
coqide proof assistant for higher-order logic (gtk interface)
dc The GNU dc arbitrary precision reverse-polish calculator
dome calculates and draws geodesic domes
drgeo An interactive geometry software
edenmath.app Scientific calcualtor for GNUstep
ess Emacs statistics mode, supporting R,S and others
eukleides a Euclidean geometry drawing language
euler interactive mathematical programming environment
euler-doc documentation for the mathematical programming environment Euler
evolver Surface Evolver
freefem A PDE oriented language using Finite Element Method
freefem-examples Example files for FreeFEM
freefem3d A language and solver for partial differential equations in 3D
galculator A GTK+ 2.0 based calculator
gambit Game theory analysis software and tools
gambit-doc documentation for gambit
gap Groups, Algorithms and Programming computer algebra system
gap-character-tables GAP Library of character tables
gap-core GAP computer algebra system, core components
gap-libs GAP computer algebra system, essential GAP libraries
gap-matrix-schreiersims GAP implementation of Schreier-Sims algorithm for matrix groups
gap-online-help GAP computer algebra system, online help
gap-prim-groups Database of primitive groups for GAP
gap-small-groups Database of small groups for GAP
gap-small-groups-extra Large database of small groups for GAP
gap-table-of-marks GAP table of marks library
gap-trans-groups Database of transitive groups for GAP
gbase small numeric base converter
gcalctool A GTK2 desktop calculator
geg a GTK+ Equation Grapher
genesis-data scripts and documentation for genesis
geomview interactive geometry viewing program
ggobi Data visualization system for high-dimensional data
ginac-tools Some tools for the GiNaC symbolic framework
glpk linear programming kit with integer (MIP) support
gmp-ecm Factor integers using the Elliptic Curve Method
gmsh three-dimensional finite element mesh generator
gnumeric GNOME spreadsheet application
gnumeric-common common files for Gnumeric, the GNOME spreadsheet application
gnumeric-plugins-extra additional plugins for the GNOME spreadsheet
gnuplot A command-line driven interactive plotting program
gnuplot-mode Yet another Gnuplot mode for Emacs
gnuplot-nox A command-line driven interactive plotting program
gnuplot-x11 X11-terminal driver for gnuplot
grace An XY plotting tool
grace6 An XY plotting tool
graphmonkey a GTK#-based graphing calculator
graphthing tool to create, manipulate and study graphs
gretl The GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library
gretl-common The GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- scripts package
gretl-data The GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- data package
gretl-doc The GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- doc package
grpn GTK+ reverse polish notation calculator
gsl-bin GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- binary package
gsl-ref-html GNU Scientific Library (GSL) Reference Manual in html
gsl-ref-psdoc GNU Scientific Library (GSL) Reference Manual in postscript
hol88 Higher Order Logic, system image
hol88-contrib-help Higher Order Logic, user contributed online help files
hol88-contrib-source Higher Order Logic, user contributed source
hol88-doc Documentation for hol88
hol88-help Higher Order Logic, online help files
hol88-library Higher Order Logic, binary library modules
hol88-library-help Higher Order Logic, library online help files
hol88-library-source Higher Order Logic, library source files
hol88-source Higher Order Logic, source files
jacal Interactive symbolic math system
jgraph Jim Plank's program for producing PostScript graphs
kali Draw tilings, frieze patterns, and so on
kbruch fraction calculation teaching tool for KDE
kig interactive geometry program for KDE
kmplot mathematical function plotter for KDE
kpercentage percentage calculation teaching tool for KDE
kseg Sketchpad for planar Euclidean geometry
lbt converts from LTL formulas to Büchi automata
libfreefem0 Shared libraries for FreeFEM
libglpk0 linear programming kit (shared libraries for use with Octave)
libgsl0 GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- library package
liblpsolve55-dev Solve (mixed integer) linear programming problems - library
libsprng2 The SPRNG Scalable Parallel RNG library -- library package
littler GNU R scripting and command-line front-end
lp-solve Solve (mixed integer) linear programming problems
magnus Computational group theory software with GUI
maria reachability analyzer for Algebraic System Nets
mathomatic Portable Computer Algebra System (CAS)
mathomatic-primes Prime Number Tools for Mathomatic
matwrap wrapper generator for matrix languages
maxima A computer algebra system -- base system
maxima-doc A computer algebra system -- documentation
maxima-emacs A computer algebra system -- emacs interface
maxima-share A computer algebra system -- extra code
maxima-src A computer algebra system -- source code
maxima-test A computer algebra system -- test suite
mcl the Markov Cluster algorithm
meschach library for performing operations on matrices and vectors
multimix automatic classification or clustering
nco netCDF Operators
num-utils programs for dealing with numbers from the command line
octave GNU Octave language for numerical computations (2.1 branch)
octave-epstk GNU Octave encapsulated postscript toolkit
octave-forge Contributed functions for GNU Octave (2.1 branch)
octave-plplot Octave support for PLplot, a plotting library
octave-sp Semidefinite Programming functions for GNU Octave
octave2.1 GNU Octave language for numerical computations (2.1 branch)
octave2.1-emacsen Emacs support for the GNU Octave language (2.1 branch)
octave2.1-forge Contributed functions from the GNU Octave Repository
octave2.1-headers header files for the GNU Octave language (2.1 branch)
octave2.1-htmldoc HTML documentation on the GNU Octave language (2.1 branch)
octave2.1-info GNU Info documentation on the GNU Octave language (2.1 branch)
octave2.9 GNU Octave language for numerical computations (2.9 branch)
octave2.9-emacsen Emacs support for the GNU Octave language (2.9 branch)
octave2.9-forge Contributed functions from the GNU Octave Repository
octave2.9-headers header files for the GNU Octave language (2.9 branch)
octave2.9-htmldoc HTML documentation on the GNU Octave language (2.9 branch)
octave2.9-info GNU Info documentation on the GNU Octave language (2.9 branch)
octaviz 3D visualization system for Octave
octplot graphical interface for Octave
oleo GNU spreadsheet program
orpie RPN calculator for the terminal
pari-extra PARI/GP Computer Algebra System extra data files
pari-gp PARI/GP Computer Algebra System binaries
pari-gp2c PARI/GP GP to C compiler
pdl perl data language
pi Compute Archimedes' constant Pi to arbitrary precision
plotdrop A minimal GNOME frontend to GNUPlot
plotmtv Multipurpose X11 plotting program
plotutils The GNU plotutils (plotting utilities) package
plplot-bin Scientific plotting library (utilities)
plplot-tcl Tcl/Tk support for PLplot, a plotting library
plplot-tcl-dev Tcl/Tk development support for PLplot, a plotting library
psignifit Fitting and testing hypotheses about psychometric functions
pspp Statistical analysis tool
python-mpi MPI module for Python
qalc Powerful and easy to use command line calculator
qalculate-gtk Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator - GTK version
qalculate-kde Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator - KDE version
qhull-bin Calculate convex hulls and related structures (utilities)
quickplot fast interactive 2D plotter and data viewer
r-base GNU R statistical computing language and environment
r-base-core GNU R core of statistical computing language and environment
r-base-html GNU R html docs for statistical computing system functions
r-base-latex GNU R LaTeX docs for statistical computing system functions
r-cran-abind GNU R abind multi-dimensional array combination function
r-cran-acepack GNU R package for regression transformations
r-cran-bayesm GNU R package for Bayesian inference
r-cran-boot GNU R package for bootstrapping functions from Davison and Hinkley
r-cran-cairodevice GNU R Cairo/Gtk2 device driver package
r-cran-car GNU R Companion to Applied Regression by John Fox
r-cran-chron GNU R package for chronologically ordered objects
r-cran-cluster GNU R package for cluster analysis by Rousseeuw et al
r-cran-coda Output analysis and diagnostics for MCMC simulations in R
r-cran-date GNU R package for date handling
r-cran-dbi GNU R package providing a generic database interface
r-cran-design GNU R regression modeling strategies tools by Frank Harrell
r-cran-e1071 GNU R package with functions from 'e1071' at TU Wien
r-cran-eco GNU R routines for Bayesian ecological inference
r-cran-effects GNU R graphical and tabular effects display for glm models
r-cran-fbasics GNU R package for financial engineering -- fBasics
r-cran-fcalendar GNU R package for financial engineering -- fCalendar
r-cran-fecofin GNU R package for financial engineering -- fEcofin
r-cran-fextremes GNU R package for financial engineering -- fExtremes
r-cran-fmultivar GNU R package for financial engineering -- fMultivar
r-cran-foptions GNU R package for financial engineering -- fOptions
r-cran-foreign GNU R package to read/write data from other stat. systems
r-cran-fportfolio GNU R package for financial engineering -- fPortfolio
r-cran-fseries GNU R package for financial engineering -- fSeries
r-cran-gdata GNU R package with data manipulation tools by Greg Warnes et al
r-cran-gmodels GNU R package with tools for model fitting by Greg Warnes et al
r-cran-gplots GNU R package with tools for plotting data by Greg Warnes et al
r-cran-gregmisc GNU R package with miscellaneous functions by Greg Warnes et al
r-cran-gtools GNU R package with R programming tools by Greg Warnes et al
r-cran-hdf5 GNU R package interfacing the NCSA HDF5 library
r-cran-hmisc GNU R miscellaneous functions by Frank Harrell
r-cran-its GNU R package for handling irregular time series
r-cran-kernsmooth GNU R package for kernel smoothing and density estimation
r-cran-lattice GNU R package for 'Trellis' graphics
r-cran-latticeextra GNU R package of additional graphical displays based on lattice
r-cran-lme4 GNU R package for linear mixed effects model fitting
r-cran-lmtest GNU R package for diagnostic checking in linear models
r-cran-mapdata GNU R support for producing geographic maps (supplemental data)
r-cran-maps GNU R support for producing geographic maps
r-cran-matchit GNU R package of nonparametric matching methods
r-cran-matrix GNU R package of classes for dense and sparse matrices
r-cran-mcmcpack GNU R routines for Markov chain Monte Carlo model estimation
r-cran-mgcv GNU R package for multiple parameter smoothing estimation
r-cran-misc3d GNU R collection of 3d plot functions and rgl-based isosurfaces
r-cran-mnp GNU R package for fitting multinomial probit (MNP) models
r-cran-multcomp GNU R package for multiple comparison procedures
r-cran-mvtnorm GNU R package to compute multivariate Normal and T distributions
r-cran-nlme GNU R package for (non-)linear mixed effects models
r-cran-pscl GNU R package for discrete data models
r-cran-psy GNU R procedures for psychometrics
r-cran-qtl GNU R package for genetic marker linkage analysis
r-cran-quadprog GNU R package for solving quadratic programming problems
r-cran-rcmdr GNU R platform-independent basic-statistics GUI
r-cran-relimp GNU R package for inference on relative importance of regressors
r-cran-rgl GNU R package for three-dimensional visualisation using OpenGL
r-cran-rgtk2 GNU R binding for Gtk2
r-cran-rmpi GNU R package interfacing MPI libraries for distributed computing
r-cran-rmysql GNU R package providing a DBI-compliant interface to MySQL
r-cran-rodbc GNU R package for ODBC database access
r-cran-rpart GNU R package for recursive partitioning and regression trees
r-cran-rpvm GNU R package interfacing PVM libraries for distributed computing
r-cran-rquantlib GNU R package interfacing the QuantLib finance library
r-cran-rsprng GNU R interface to SPRNG (Scalable Parallel RNGs)
r-cran-sandwich GNU R package for model-robust standard error estimates
r-cran-sm GNU R package for kernel smoothing methods
r-cran-snow GNU R package for 'simple network of workstations'
r-cran-strucchange GNU R package for structural change regression estimation
r-cran-survival GNU R package for survival analysis
r-cran-tkrplot GNU R embedded Tk plotting device package
r-cran-tseries GNU R package for time-series analysis and comp. finance
r-cran-vgam GNU R package for estimating vector generalized additive models
r-cran-vr GNU R package accompanying the Venables and Ripley book on S
r-cran-xml GNU R package for XML parsing and generation
r-cran-zelig GNU R package providing a unified front-end for estimating statistical models
r-cran-zoo GNU R package for totally ordered indexed observations
r-mathlib GNU R standalone mathematics library
r-noncran-lindsey GNU R libraries contributed by Jim and Patrick Lindsey
r-omegahat-ggobi GNU R package for the GGobi data visualization system
r-other-gking-matchit GNU R package of nonparametric matching methods (dummy package)
r-other-gking-zelig Dummy (transition) package for r-cran-zelig
r-recommended GNU R collection of recommended packages [metapackage]
regina-normal 3-manifold topology software with normal surface support
rkward a KDE frontend to the R statistics language
rlplot Generate publication quality graphs
rpncalc RPN calculator trying to emulate an HP28S
sc Text-based spreadsheet with VI-like keybindings
snappea a program for creating and studying hyperbolic 3-manifolds
spline Akima spline interpolation
sppc Simple Panel Plot Composer
stepulator.app Scientific calculator implementing RPN notation for GNUstep
tela interactive tensor language
tiemu Texas Instruments calculators emulator
tiemu-skinedit skin editor for TiEmu
tilp TI calculator <-> PC communication program for X
wcalc A flexible command-line scientific calculator
wxmaxima a wxWidgets GUI for the computer algebra system maxima
wzip Lossy compression and denoising
gnumeric GNOME spreadsheet application
gnumeric-common common files for Gnumeric, the GNOME spreadsheet application
gnumeric-plugins-extra additional plugins for the GNOME spreadsheet

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